Table of Contents
Globalization and Technology Changes
Globalization has not only brought about changes in the ay whereby the global customers shop for goods and services, acquire resources and unite breakthrough innovations, but it has also significantly changed the manner in which operations are being carried out at the United Parcel Service, Inc. For several years, the United Parcel Service, Inc has been disseminating items, information as well as funds along independent pathways in view of the fact that such approach has been a sole alternative. Nevertheless, in a smaller, flatter universe, with the technology at hand, the corporation has integrated all the three of those ways in an approach that is presently employed. These approaches constitute a matched commerce that incorporates fulfillment, manufacturing, order entry, returns and sourcing into a single never-ending business process (Ross, 2002). These combined capabilities have made UPS a corporation offering transportation services and business solutions.
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In 1993, technological advances of the UPS, Inc used to convey 11.5 million packages and documents per day for almost 1 million regular customers. In an effort to distribute such a large volume, the company relied on technology to sustain competitive prices, provide new services to the consumers and maintain efficiency (Friedman & Miles, 2006). For example, the is a worldwide electronic data exchange network that offers information about global delivery and package processing. It encompasses over 500 thousand miles of communication and the corporation satellite, linking over 1,300 corporation delivery sites in 46 states. The company has utilized up to $11 billion in Information Technology in one decade. Information Technology has not changed the corporate mission of the corporation, but has fundamentally altered the approach of the business. The objective of the firm is to be recognized in the practical world. Such business has become a very essential part of the commerce value chain, as there have been immense investments in highly developed information and communication technology.
Industrial Organization Model and the Resource-Based Model
United Parcel Service, Inc has progressed from being a functional-based composition to the one that is process-centered. At present, they are focusing on the customer relationship management process, customer information management course of action, product management, package management, and business information as well as analysis processes (Ross, 2002). These adjustments have not happened at once, as the corporation is large. This reorganization is, however, starting to pay off. Development of new projects has decreased a great deal. The focus on the course of action seems to be helpful so far. The new business representation outlines a much well-ordered as well as resourceful supply chain. This change benefit both customers and manufactures.
Implementation of an open-system approach by the company has availed the functionality of delivery system where the clients operate instead of having to come to the corporation. For example, at present, on the Internet, the UPS functionality spreads to more than 15,000 business websites. The corporation has joined hands with other leading e-commerce system providers in an effort to offer all-inclusive solutions. These resolutions help to integrate the company’s tracking and delivery functionality into the clients’ supply chain. It has enabled the end users to link together their electronic delivery and distribution data with their raw material suppliers, manufacturing systems, and inventory management, including sales functions.
In the process, it has ultimately changed its own supply chains from conventional push systems to customer-driven, pull representations therefore increasing self-assurance in the new trade revolution. This new alteration has brought about the creation of value for consumers through the use of the corporation’s developed assortment of logistic strengths. It has also enhanced performance through quality, efficiency and technology. The corporation has been facilitated to increase growth and invest in major markets and new opportunities by leveraging its universal network and scale (Friedman & Miles, 2006).
The industrial organizational in the form of an open strategy has made it possible for the corporation to institute infrastructure and exhibit its existence in main markets while extending provision of integrated logistic solutions thus earning above-average proceeds. It has been offering products and services that increase the consumers’ access to global markets. Therefore, the power of logistics can create a competitive achievement for the customers. It has eventually endeavored the corporation to occupy the leading position in the marker (Ross, 2002).
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The Vision Statement and Mission Statement
The corporation’s mission as of the year 1991 was to be the “the leading package delivery company”. They advanced greatly towards that goal. Nonetheless, they were not totally satisfied, as they were seeking a greater business challenge. In the year 1999, they changed their vision statement to “the enablers of global e-commerce”. For that reason, its intention was to make worldwide commerce possible. It is at this time that the corporation’s objectives, mission as well as the strategies were reorganized. The mission of the corporation has been to achieve the pledge to constituents by continuing to be a legally responsible employer, serve the developing needs of consumers, uphold a robust and employee-owned corporation as well as operate in the marketplace as a concerned citizen (Friedman & Miles, 2006).
The mission statement provides guidance in regards to the firm’s day-to-day decisions. It makes the precedence clear and motivates the corporation to uphold and seize new opportunities. According to these principles, the proceedings are associated with the requirements of the customers, corporation, community, and shareholders. As part of its mission, the corporation strives to develop a worldwide business by serving the logistic needs of customers, offering excellence and succeeding in all its undertakings. The mission statement has revealed UPS to be a financially strong company with broad worker ownership, which provides a long-lasting return to shareholders. Such approach has helped the corporation to encourage its employees and business partners to work at their best. At the same time, the firm has always been offering opportunities for personal development and growth. As a result, the corporation has become an example by being caring and sustainable and making a difference in the society.
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