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ITM 501 Mod 2 SLP

Project management is the process of organizing, motivating, and planning of either the problems that occur daily or scientific problems. Individuals tasked with the management of projects are considered vital project drivers. The project manager should be in possession of vast knowledge in order to carry out efficient management effectively. It entails knowing different business aspects and technicality of the project. In light of this, the following is a discussion of the various key characteristics of effective project managers and the concept of business intelligence among managers.

A good business intelligence manager should recognize their strong and weak areas when handling a project. Experience gained from the past projects is also important in making a good project manager. Thus, he/she would be able to manage the scope of the business effortlessly. Leadership in this practice is also vital. A good leader will be able to inspire people and get the respect from the community, members of his team and other key stakeholders. Organization capability is equally important (Wu, 2005). The business intelligent managers are expected to lead in the development and submission of the project plan for approval. Once approved, the project manager should be able to monitor the project to its completion according to plan (Eckerson, 2010). In addition, a manager would be expected to have good communication skills.


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An assessment of project management competency was done in accordance to the sheet attached. Ten junior colleagues were involved in this assessment. Among the critical skills I was testing were planning, organization, and management of the team members. The assessment was geared towards the accomplishment of the daily set goals, the planning, and running of meetings and the subsequent follow-up of the same. It was important because it ensured that the team members meet their targets within the stipulated time. The preparation of business letters, quotations reports, and their submission and preparation of project plans were also highly considered. As a manager, one would be expected to be creative and practical during presentations. The last competence that was assessed was the levels of innovation, problem-solving techniques, and decision-making.

One essential element that most managers fail is to holding of meetings with team members and establishes follow-ups (Wu, 2005). However, from this assessment, it was a huge surprise because as indicated all staff members were able to submit their reports on whatever they had agreed to do in the previous meeting. Several steps could be taken to improve competence in project management. The preparation and submission of reports should be improved on as it will help reflect the challenges met. Frequent meetings and proper planning are significant steps to be taken in order to meet the ultimate goal of the project.

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The use of this business intelligence tool is paramount as it clearly reflects what a manager can achieve. It is especially so in relation to knowledge and the leadership capability of a manager. Although this tool is not able to show the level of experience a manager has, it is effective in other areas of competence. The planning and management of team members proved to be the best competency, since, all the tasks that the team members were assigned were all completed in time. All the team members found ease dealing with their chores because they were briefed on what they are expected to do, how to do it and the duration to should take; this made the team more efficient. Through this, it becomes easy for one to gain the necessary skills and competency to manage even bigger projects and ensure timely completion to the satisfaction of the client.

A fellow project manager, who is a colleague and a personal friend, assessed my level of competence and skills as a project manager. Through this, he highlighted my strengths and encouraged me to revisit my weak areas. Additionally, creativity and innovation are one of the areas I feel should be improved. As indicated in the assessment, no new ideas came up during the evaluation period. As a manager, one would be expected to steer creativity and innovation as this would help improve the performance of the team members and production in general.

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Project management is an essential aspect that aids the effective and successful completion of business projects. As a project manager, several fundamental skills are required so as to steer the project and fellow team members in the right direction. In addition, business intelligence has been recommended as a vital tool that should be used by managers. A personal assessment of my skills as a project manager has immensely boosted my strengths and providing room to improve my various weaknesses as a crucial learning process.



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