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Chick-Fil-A Restaurant

Chick-Fil-A is one of the most recognized restaurants in the US and is well-known for the supply of quality fast foods. The restaurant operates in a competitive environment, but it has set significant strategies to ensure the customer’s need are met. According to Meister, Parker, Slaughter and Underwood (2012) the company is also popular in the southern regions of the US for its manufacture of chicken products. The headquarters of the restaurant is based in Atlanta with more than 1500 branches spread in the 38 states of the US (Meister et al., 2012). The company also has a significant mission statement that suggests a positive influence on the society and important core values that depict excellence. Despite intensive competition in the industry, the company registers remarkable financial returns annually. The prices of their chicken sandwiches are slightly above the primary competitors’ prices, which makes it easier for the company to differentiate its products. They have also embraced significant promotional strategies aimed at making them the leading fast food restaurant chain in the US. The essay critically analyzes the performance of Chick-Fil-A restaurant in the fast food chicken market.

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The restaurant is recognized for the production of good chicken sandwich that gives it a competitive advantage over the other competitors. According to Chandler (2016), Chick-Fil-A is an established brand name with a significant advertisement campaign which has been appreciated by the consumers of beef and burgers. The company has also been exhibiting a gradual increase in sales suggesting that the business is still in the growth stage. For instance, in 2008 the restaurant experienced 2.5% increase in sales and 8.6% increase in 2009. Meister et al., (2012) discuss that the rapid and constant increase in sales shows that the company is doing well. Furthermore, the fast food brand has the second largest market share in the chicken production.

The company also has a marketing objective of increasing its market share to 25% over the Popeye’s which is the main competitor in the South. The Chick-Fil-A has established significant strategies to ensure that this goal is achieved by the end of the next financial year (Meister et al., 2012). For instance, the company is planning to promote healthier meal options in the mainstream media. The marketing team is also planning to emphasize on the distinct features of their products to counter competition and create a significant customer base. The restaurant is also aspiring to expand in the northern region to increase their position in the fast food chain supplies.

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Chick-Fil-A operates on the basis of franchising. This aspect implies that there is an opportunity for other entrepreneurs to open restaurants in other parts of America operating under a similar name. This strategy can also be used to achieve the objective of opening branches in the northern parts of America where the restaurant has limited access to the customers. The consistency and quality of food offered by Chick-Fil-A are enough to convince the potential entrepreneurs to partner and attract new clients.

The company has also ventured to participate in the corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs. For instance, White (2012) has indicated that the Company is involved in the sponsorship programs for college athletics aspiring to play football. This aspect provides an important platform for the business to execute its promotional campaigns to enhance brand awareness. It is also an opportunity for the company to establish a good reputation in the society through public relations.

Chick-Fil-A has an established social media platform. For instance, the company has ventured on social networking through a Facebook page that they utilize in customer relationship management. According to Evans (2008), social media is an important platform in the contemporary consumer market for enhancing promotional activities. In Chick-Fil-A’s case, their page has more than 3 million likes which are a symbol of prospective markets (Meister et al., 2012). The page has an option for shopping which provides the customers with the opportunity to order their chicken sandwich which will be delivered to their households. Furthermore, the company can collect the customers’ feedback through the social media which is critical in the decision making. Unlike other companies that have not embraced social media, Chick-Fil-A has a competitive advantage through this feature which enables them to satisfy their customers. The page can also be used to inform the customers regarding the introduction of a new product line.

The prices of Chick-Fil-A products are slightly higher than these of competitors in the market. Meister et al., (2012) have acknowledged that price difference of their products is an actual representation of the quality and the taste of their food. Nonetheless, reducing their prices will instill some doubt into the customers who may assume that the quality has also reduced. Therefore, they use higher price to differentiate their products from the competitors in the southern region such as Popeye’s, Burger King, and Sonic.

What is extremely significant, the staff and employees treat every customer with pure respect and smiles on their faces. The reason for it is simple – according to Schmall (2007), the fast food brand uses some biblical principles and its main goal is to serve its customers. The service is performed according to the high standards and that stimulates the clients to attend the restaurant regularly, pay extra money, and leave tips. Moreover, cleanliness and pleasing environment enhance customers’ positive perception of the company.

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The primary weakness of Chick-Fil-A restaurant is that all the meals served during the lunch hour are chicken based. This aspect appears limiting to the customers who may want to be served chicken alongside other meals. Therefore, they are compelled to visit other restaurants in pursuit of the alternative meal that may be eaten with chicken. Another weakness is that the company is concentrated on a specific location in the South. For instance, the restaurant has not established its branches in other parts of the US such as the mid-western regions. This aspect is actual because the company was started and grew in the south, hence Chick-Fil-A does not consider diversifying its market to other parts of America.

According to Meister et al., (2012), Chick-Fil-A does not ponder on opening on specific days of the week such as Sunday. However, Sunday is considered a day when most families ought to take a walk after a hectic week at the workplace. Therefore, the restaurant appears to lose the most prospective customers since it is closed for more than 50 days a year.

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In conclusion, despite the challenges that Chick-Fil-A encounters in its daily operations, it is still the best fast food restaurant the US has ever had. This essay has assessed the various strategies that the company employs for success. It is evident that these are the credible strategic plan and dedication that make Chick-Fil-A restaurant successful. The formulation of the significant marketing objectives and provision of quality products is also a part of its success story. Therefore, it is an obligation for chain of fast food supplies in the US to adopt similar strategies to enhance their productivity.


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