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Show about Nothing: Faith vs. Reason

In my opinion, John Dickson makes the most ‘sense’. The first question raised in the show is about science and ethics. The first questioner asks about the impact of science on human life. Different panellists have dissimilar opinions on this question. Professor Krauss states that science has no ethical boundaries, but this statement is controversial. One can argue that the science has ethical boundaries. There are always issues when some new discoveries and inventions take place. When, for instance, new mechanisms are invented to simplify human mode of life, they are worth special attention. There are different issues of bioethics to approve this view. Thus, one of the panellists is very convincing. This is John Dickson, director of the Centre for Public Christianity. Luckily, he does not appear to look like a religious fanatic that one could expect he would. His position is clear, adequate, and unprejudiced. He considers science has a profound impact on human’s life (Q&A 2013). Nevertheless, people themselves produce ethic, and they are the ones to make choices whether to use science in a positive or negative way. It is like when someone is given a knife. This person can kill somebody with that knife as well as slice the bread with that same knife.


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The second issue that the panellists are debating is the creationism at schools. It seems that there are two options for children at schools nowadays. They can study a theory of evolution or they can study a theory of creationism. Here, John Dickson explains, ‘most Christians are very comfortable with science’ (Q&A 2013). Moreover, it is known now that the Vatican admitted that there is nothing controversial between the Darwin’s theory and the creationism. Particularly, according to the Telegraph newspaper, in 2009, Archbishop Gianfranco Ravasi, the head of the Pontifical Council for Culture, stated it. Archbishop specified that the idea of evolution could be also found in St Augustine and St Thomas Aquinas (Irvine 2009).

Answering the question of creationism at schools, John Dickson insists that creationism is more complex than it is usually thought. He explains his position with an argument that Genesis 1, the base of creationism, can have different interpretation. The style of this book is ‘in the direction of poetry’, and it uses symbolism that can ‘blow one’s mind’ (Q&A 2013). It was written in a special time and under the special circumstances. It reflects ancient views of the world and has nothing to do with the science. Therefore, it does not give any evidences, as the science could give. He sets a good example of the Christian position towards science today. Modern Christians should be open for the new knowledge in case when the appropriate evidence is provided. Thus, children can study creationism but only by professionals that will not distort the truth. Dickson supports combined approach that includes education on Biblical scholarship and scientific scholarship.

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The next question the panellists discuss is about intelligent design. The questioner is Tim Hubbell. He talks about of the beauty and complexity of the universe we live in. Therefore, there should be a reason for that somewhere. Only intelligent minds can create complex things (Intelligent design is by the way one of Aquinas proves of God’s existence). He suggests not teaching children about the ‘monkey origin’ since monkeys obviously cannot create the universe. The answer of the other panellist, professor Krauss, is an example of not making ‘sense’ at all. He claims Darwin’s theory to be ‘the basis of modern biology’, but it is just a THEORY. Theories are not the absolute truths. They can be wrong. This scientific approach does not explain the first cause indeed. Nevertheless, the other panellists do not have a word on this issue; thus, Krauss’s idea remains accepted by public. Krauss is not able to explain his theory of nothing, as well. This “nothing conception” only approves the God’s existence. He comes to a dead-end. Therefore, that is a moment for John Dickson to come on the stage. According to John Dickson, a universe operates regarding the elegant laws and produces minds that now understand the laws (Q&A 2013). For modern Christians, their faith explains the world they live in; it opens the world in a deeper way for those who believe. Thus, they can often make more ‘sense’ than others can.



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