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Wood-Tech Inc. Financial Analysis


Johnston stated, "Financial statement analysis is a judgmental methodology" ( 2012). We have realized a few ratios to evaluate a company's liquidity, long-term debt paying capacity, productivity, cash flow analysis, financial stability, and going concerns. Alongside the ratios, regular size dissection systems or vertical and horizontal analysis could be used to evaluate drifts in records from the financial articulations. Basic size analysis can additionally help give an accurate correlation when evaluating companies of distinctive sizes (Johnston, 2012).


The main ratio of centrality is the current ratio. This ratio is vital on the grounds that it measure the company's capacity to meet their fleeting liabilities. Wood-Tech's present ratio diminished 0.11 in 2011 and increased 0.12 in 2012 consummation with 1.43. Since there lacks a negative or positive pattern to evaluate, an Analysis with the industry standard will be useful. Debt turnover is an alternate liquidity ratio used by CPA's to evaluate the group of the company's records receivable in one year. The disclaimer with this ratio is the normal terrible receivable is used on a yearly premise.


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Wood-Tech's records receivable turnover ratio has increased in the course of recent years by 0.8 times. The positive pattern is extraordinary and shows that the company is making advancement in group their receivables to help the liquidity. However, they are still 0.64 times slower than the industry; therefore in any case they have opportunity to get better. The following ratio for liquidity is the snappy ratio or otherwise called the corrosive test ratio. This takes the current ratio above and beyond on the grounds that it demonstrates the prompt position of the company with respect to group current liabilities. This ratio evaluates stock, because it is an advantage, and it could require some serious energy to auction the stock; therefore we cannot consider this prompt money to satisfy current liabilities if necessary in the crisis circumstance. Wood-Tech's fast ratio has declined from 2010 to 2012 and is greatly low when contrasted with the industry. The industry standard rate is 3.48 and Wood-Tech's rate in 2012 is 0.87. While looking into the vertical and level Analysis it is clear that the current part of the company's long-term debt has increased detectably over the three year period additionally in connection to aggregate stakes. This lets me know that the company's speculations are not expanding or processing the sales they trusted for.

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Long-Term Debt-Paying Ability

The debt/value ratio is an alternate ratio noteworthy to CPA's. This ratio measures the company's long-term debt paying capabilities. Wood-Tech's debt/value ratio is general declining. Despite that there was a setback in 2011, this is a great pattern to have. It is still 2.7 times higher than the industry; however, there is some abundant requirement for development. Wood-Tech is resistant getting more cash than they are accumulating with an expansion of $19,089,000,000 contrasted with the increment in stockholder value of $6,708,000,000. Expanding debt might be a great industry choice as long as the debt is, no doubt used to better the industry. Putting resources into over termed gear or engineering that will build efficiency or production might be a great illustration of this. An alternate concern with including debt is verifying the company and will have the capacity to make the installments. On the off chance that the extra debt brought about is not transforming extra incomes, making the timetable installment troublesome.

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Johnston stated, "Profitability is the capacity of a firm to create profit" (, 2012). The net revenue is regularly used to evaluate company and administration's control of costs. Wood-Tech's net revenue has increased by 2.28% from 2010 to 2012. The vertical analysis of the wage statement demonstrates the administration's capacity to control working costs. Due to the increment in sales every year the working costs were diminished by 2% in 2011 and keep up the 14% in 2012. The aggregate stake turnover ratio of Wood-Tech increased marginally in 2011 by .07 times and kept up the same for 2012. The 0.74 times turnover rate is equivalent to the industry standard. This is a sign that the company's advantages are producing incomes similarly contrasted with their industry. The value multiplier ratio contrasts complete stakes with stockholder's value which might be an evidence of the company's capability to adequately use debt.

Wood-Tech's value multiplier is diminishing and in Analysis to a nearby contender, John Deere, they are 2.31 times easier. The last benefit ratio we chose is the du pont return on value. This ratio consolidates the net overall revenue, all out possession turnover, and value multiplier ratios. The profit for value for Wood-Tech has increased 13.31% in 2011 and fell 5.85% in 2012. Despite the fact that there was a drop in 2012, the profit for value was still higher than in 2010; therefore, we might say the company has and expands pattern. Likewise in Analysis to the industry standard of 24.3% they are 8.1% over the normal.

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Altman's Z Score

The Altman's Z score is a ratio used to help anticipate a company's likelihood of documenting liquidation. The ratio comprises of five elements that are allotted different weights. If the Altman's Z score extent is any number over 2.675, it shows a low likelihood of liquidation. Wood-Tech's Z score for as long as 3 years is 2.3037, 2.2519, and 2.3957 for 2012, 2011, and 2010 individually. Their normal Z score for the three years is 0.358 times easier than the benchmark for likelihood of liquidation. In Analysis to the liquidity ratios examined over, this Z score bodes well for me on the grounds that each of the three ratios was underneath the industry normal.


From my Analysis of Wood-Tech Inc. most present yearly monetary explanations, we see that the company is expanding sales and successfully oversees expense to the best of their capability. The concerning figures are the company's liquidity. We accept that the company is staying present with all their debt installments, yet in the event that sales decay will they have the capacity to keep on maintaining these installments? We additionally relate this to the company's Z score. We accept that the low score identified with the company being more influenced with debt. On the positive side, the company's sales and benefits are expanding.



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