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Horse Sense

The ideas presented in the book called Horse Sense for People: Using the Gentle Wisdom of the Join-Up Technique to Enrich Our Relationships at Home and at Work are quite enriching and life-changing. Roberts (2002) has introduced the join-up method borrowed from horses and applied it while creating his new approach to communication that should be used at work and at home. This paper aims to discuss statements that have touched me most of all and may be appealing for any professional.

First of all, the author recommends to learn from others, observe actions, intentions and news generated by others and to learn about inner selves with wonder and curiosity (Roberts, 2002). It is presumed that he promoted life-long learning that provides for the prolonged acquisition of knowledge. At the same time, it is suggested that Roberts (2002) perhaps asserted that learning should not be performed only in the library, in front of the computer or in the classroom. Instead, people can find out more if they start to observe their behavior, underlying reasons for the latter, and mechanisms that guide them through lives. The main conclusion is that what persons reach may be then verified in relation to other people.


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The author actually stresses that gentleness is a powerful tool that helps to understand the language of other soul (Roberts, 2002). It is asserted that on the contrary to aggression, gentleness may appear too polite and soft. Yet, the author approaches this sense as the one opposite to weakness, which is quite innovative. Overall, Roberts (2002) stresses the importance of the development of soft skills. Gentleness that he urges everyone to develop is actually similar to attentiveness towards other person, details that surround his or her life and make one’s personality. It also provides for tolerance and the positive acceptance of diversity and differences that are presented in others. Gentleness is definitely opposite to aggression, conflicts and discrimination. It cultivates openness in others and the absence of fear that may often serve as obstacles towards achieving goals.

On the whole, the book is definitely recommended for reading since it urges the reader to adopt a completely different view on the world. Moreover, it aims to facilitate the social change that may lead to better tomorrow for all. Transformations should be initiated through the number of the features of character that should be developed by a person. They include gentleness, kindness, openness, ability to listen, nonviolence and ultimate trust. Roberts (2002) uses the model of riding and shows that in the way the horse deals with the rider, saddle and bridle, the human may approach relations with others. The author also provided mind-challenging guidelines that might help to improve communication with others and to create the fear-free environment. The book is inspiring; it motivates the reader to introduce changes in his or her life. As a result, the best news is that the change actually requires the willingness of a person. No extra finances or efforts are needed to institute it. Furthermore, the book is enriched with anecdotes and funny stories about the treatment of horses that teach life-important lessons to the reader of the book.

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In conclusion, it should be stressed that the book under consideration definitely changes the mindset of a person. It provokes one to use new techniques borrowed from animals that may make human lives more meaningful and pleasant. More than that, it teaches nonviolence and the acceptance of other people regardless of possible differences or contentious opinions. The author stresses that mutual respect, trust and communication, not coercion, should be at the heart of interaction among human beings.



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