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Training and Development Plan

A human resource development plan is essential for any organization since it helps its members work towards attaining the set goals. Developing such a plan is a process that requires critical analysis. Employees at all levels need training since it equips them with expertise in their sphere of activity. New workers, those that are currently working and seek future promotions, as well as supervisors need to be trained with the aim of achieving organizational goals. It is a required process at each level, and its results cannot be underrated. Additionally, a needs assessment plan is crucial and should be incorporated in any training program.

New Employee Training

At this level, the supervisor must have a conversation with the employee to become aware of what he or she has accomplished before. It is crucial since it gives the supervisor a guideline of how to handle the new employee. The trainer then discusses major topics with the employee concerning his or her work. These may include the reporting time, salary, and a person or department to report. Additionally, the supervisor must underline policies that govern Motors and More operations and make a list of activities that the new employee is supposed to undertake (Lawson, 2015). The supervisor should introduce the latter to members of other departments giving a detailed account of person’s skills and qualifications. Training can be delivered to the new staff in a classroom. If there is a need for practical work, the supervisor can take new employees to the field to help them familiarize themselves with the machinery used in the Motors and More company. Repetition is essential in training since it enables trainees to remember what they have been taught. Such training can be organized an hour before new employees can start working. The supervisor can delegate light duties within the first week. However, as time passes, the new staff can be left to perform alone under supervision. The director can advise in case employees commit a mistake (Lawson, 2015). In one or two months, duties should be assigned to each employee, and the supervisor should ensure that they complete their tasks.


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For successful new employee training, interviews are among the most effective techniques used to conduct a needs assessment. The new staff has to be questioned at one point to answer some necessary questions. Interviews will be essential when the supervisor needs to know person’s skills and qualifications (Rao, 2007). Additionally, they can be conducted in a formal or informal way depending on the context. Interviews are advantageous as they help in exposing one’s attitude to work. However, their main disadvantage is that they can be time-consuming. The first step in carrying out a needs assessment in new employee training is identifying the current situation, becoming aware of what new employees know and explaining what the supervisor wants them to achieve. There is also a need to clarify responsibilities of those involved in the assessment. The supervisor should also know techniques of collecting information in this group. Observation is one of the methods that be used for conducting new employee training. The supervisor gives instructions to the new staff and observes whether they are fulfilling them as expected. Observations will be helpful in the Motors and More company because most work is practical. The supervisor will also be able to correct mistakes by observation. Tests will also be applicable in this category. After a period of one or two months, the supervisor needs to give some tests to know the progress of each employee. A failure may mean that the training has been insufficient. The content of a training and development plan can be developed following guidelines of other companies manufacturing the same product. Furthermore, an employee training program will be administered in a classroom and during practical work by the HR manager, an internal employee of Motors and More, because the one is familiar with all peculiarities of work for the company and its policies.

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Training for Current and Future Jobs

The first step in training for the present and future jobs is identifying organizational objectives and available gaps. It enables training to bridge the latter. The selection of trainees is necessary because not all employees may be willing to participate. Training methods can include lecturing. Self-study would also be a suitable way of delivering training. An employee will be able to analyze critically himself or herself and get to know company goals. Another technique that may be applicable in this category is performance appraisals. Employees who have been working for the organization need to be praised and appreciated. This act boosts their self-esteem and may raise their morale at work. Performance appraisals will be done by managers. This technique is essential as it points out weaknesses and strengths of a person. Besides, those that are regularly praised have higher chances of being promoted to higher ranks. Questionnaires will also be used in the training for current and future jobs. They can either be open-ended or closed questions. Questionnaires help in identifying problems, giving opinions and offering suggestions to employees that have been in Motors and More for quite some time (Rao, 2007). In this category, content can be obtained from what one can observe in the current trends in the industry and what is likely to happen in the future. Internal employees such as the manager and supervisor will conduct this training. However, an external consultant can be involved to train for future jobs.

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For a needs assessment program, the manager needs to collect information from employees to identify possible problems. The use of questionnaires, surveys and suggestion boxes are some of the ways to obtain information. The manager then analyzes the latter to determine which areas need improvement, what employees require, and whether their needs are met (Sleezer, Russ-Eft, & Gupta, 2007). This information helps in arranging future training programs.

Supervisory and Managerial Training

Those at administrative levels also need training to assist them in their line of duty. Any poor decision that may be made by a manager or a supervisor may affect Motors and More significantly. Supervisors need training particularly in laws that apply to the workplace environment. Managers need to be aware of the newest regulations in the sphere of activity and the whole industry. Additionally, they ought to be trained on conducting performance reviews, since all employees work under their supervisors (Saks & Haccoun, 2010). The first step of supervisory and managerial training is interviewing them by external consultants because managers cannot be trained by their juniors. Interviews can include aspects of challenges they face and skills they use to tackle them. Managers can be put in simulated situations to assess their capabilities. The identification of weaknesses will be vital in helping them improve. They can participate in mentoring programs depending on their competence. Mentors can play an essential role in helping managers and supervisors improve in their weak areas. Moreover, in supervisory and managerial training, advisory committees and assessment centers will also be suitable. Since managers and supervisors are highly ranked in Motors and More, such committees can offer guidance when things are not working out. The training content may be obtained from other companies or on the Internet. It can be conducted in classrooms or through the Intranet. Training will be blended since it will involve advising and self-study, whereby external trainers or consultants must be involved to offer advice to these highly ranked persons in Motors and More.

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A needs assessment for supervisors and managers is essential when Motors and More is not performing as required. The first step in carrying out an assessment is identifying a gap in organizations’ activities. Moreover, it is necessary to outline desired competencies for managers to be trained towards achieving them. Determining whether the organization has a supportive culture is also a crucial step in the assessment of needs (Sleezer, Russ-Eft, & Gupta, 2007). The latter assists in planning necessary programs to improve organizational performance.

Training is also an essential factor that allows supervisors conduct effective meetings. Some managers may hold an unhealthy atmosphere at the meeting, which may lead to disagreements and chaos among members. This situation may occur when the manager or the supervisor is disappointed and cannot control his or her emotions. Training can help in improving this behavior as well as motivate workers in their duties. Managers need to be trained on handling stress since they are faced with many challenges and preparing for disasters and other challenges.

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A human resource development plan is crucial in any organization. The human resource manager must be on the lookout for everything occurring in the company. New employees must be offered necessary training to equip them with necessary skills. On the other hand, the staff should be trained on the current or future jobs. Training keeps them at par with changes that occur in the workplace. Furthermore, it prepares them for future work and ensures competence. The supervisory and managerial levels should not be left behind. They need training to handle challenges and oversight other employees effectively. Managers who fail to attend this training may cause severe problems to Motors and More due to their incompetence. Therefore, receiving proper training at every level is essential for improved organizational performance.



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