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Teenagers Are Generally Happy, Recent Study Reveals

The modern world is full of stress-factors – all kinds of crises, almost total absence of good news on television, never ending wars and atmosphere of fear and distrust. Our political leaders seem to have failed in every possible way – while global problems are growing, they just continue to serve the interests of their secret patrons, ignoring the most daring challenges of the modern era, such as global warming, climate change, shortage of food and water.

Surprisingly, this situation doesn’t influence modern teenagers that much. According to the findings of the OECD – the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, which has conducted a massive survey of 540,000 students from all around the world, students mostly live happy lives. On the scale from 1 to 10, the average mark was 7.3 among 540,000 of surveyed students, when evaluating how happy they are in their lives.

Getting the average mark wasn’t the only goal of the OECD’s research, as the study was also focused on finding out about students’ relationships with tutors and classmates and their motivation to study. Outside activities and life at home were also a crucial part of the OECD’s analysis. Because the survey was international and included talking with students from 48 countries, it’s interesting to see how different external factors and conditions of living influenced students’ answers in regard to how they feel about their lives.


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You may expect that the best marks were given by the students who live in the developed countries like the US or the UK; however the results of the research show the opposite. The most happy students live in the Dominican Republic (8.5), Mexico (8.3) and Costa Rica (8.2), while students from the UK scored 38th on the list with the average mark of 7.3. Such Asian countries as Taiwan and Macau had the low levels of satisfaction – 6.5 on average.

It’s easy to understand why the majority of the young generation feels happy – they don’t see the problems of the world being fully concentrated on their studies. The major problems that teenagers face are schoolwork and bullying. Interestingly, school work does not always become a problem because of the frequency of the exams or the number of school hours, but also because of the low support from tutors and teachers. According to the numbers, 59% of teenagers (which is more than a half) feel anxious about the upcoming exams and 66% of respondents are stressed because they’re afraid to get bad grades. Remarkably, girls across the glove have more anxiety about the schoolwork compared to boys. It’s a major problem because anxiety towards schoolwork decreases performance and overall health of the teenagers.

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Speaking about bullying, about 11% of respondents noted that they were mocked. Approximately 7% of respondents confessed that they felt “left out of things,” while 8% were the victims of bad rumors and 4% stated that they were pushed or hit at least a couple of times a month. In schools with positive student-teacher relationships, there are fewer incidents related to bullying.

While our teenagers are happy, we should work hard to solve the modern challenges that our world is facing, so that when they grow up, they will continue to live a happy life.



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