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Education should be strongly related to the improvement of the way we acquire new knowledge. Teaching and learning approaches often remain outdated and ineffective, which contradicts the overall progress of the modern world. Indeed, some views on education have to be changed radically because students are tired of the same assignments and need a creative encouragement. However, there is also a curious paradox: while pedagogical methodologies, which prevailed in the XX century are too conservative and one-dimensional for the XXI century, you can successfully apply ancient methods of teaching even in the Digital World: you just have to know how to turn the dark into the light. Though it may sound metaphorical, studying in the dark occurs in the truest sense of the word.
Usual lecture methods that mostly involve theoretical material have proved to be boring and fruitless because students get discouraged and want to skip such classes. What do we have to do to avoid such educational failures? We have to try original methods!
Have you ever attempted to acquire new knowledge in the dark? It sounds awkward but just think about it: you don’t have to write or read in order to master new skills. Studying in the dark reveals and enhances your best armor: the five senses. This teaching method is not a revolutionary invention but a fundamental discovery: the indigenous people of New Zealand, Māori, used to teach in the dark, passing down their knowledge from generation to generation. They had achieved success long before highly developed civilizations began to exist.
When your teacher elucidates the necessary information in complete darkness or in semi-darkness, your perception of the surroundings and every narrated word becomes impeccable. The dark atmosphere creates an inner harmony, which helps you to follow every detail your teacher describes. Apparently, hearing plays the main role in these circumstances. However, you can easily rely on other four senses, depending on the subject you have to study or investigate. For instance, your scent, touch, and taste can be helpful during scientific experiments. What was impossible in the usually illuminated surroundings will become possible in the dark. It can be compared to the acquisition of the superpowers. You will be able to hear even the quietest sounds, distinguish almost intangible movements, and the slightest amount of fragrances. Your sight will be sharper because eyes will adjust to the darkness, being able to discern certain objects and silhouettes of people. Your sense of taste will astonish you: if there’s a pinch of salt or some spice in a pail of water – you will identify it.
Studying in the darkness is perfect for humble people. Students often lack the self-confidence to demonstrate their skills and ideas. When you turn off the light, your emotions are not so visible, which makes you express your thoughts more bravely. Besides, since your voice becomes distinct, you pay attention to the words you choose, improve your intonation and pronunciation. What is more important, you are finally exceedingly focused.
After comprehending the advantages of learning and teaching in the dark, don’t you want to try it? We hope you are stimulated to gain this exciting experience and share it with your peers and professors. As you see, in some sense, the Dark Ages have been enlightening ones.
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