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1. Our Barbies, Ourselves

The statement “we are all trapped in Barbie’s world” is well supported in the essay. The essay is about a doll named Barbie, which depicts what both and women hold on to as an ideal woman. Barbie has a slender waist, a large bust and her feet are in stilettos. This is a fantastic image of a dream woman for many men. It also represents what women aspire for as prefect beauty. This clearly indicates that Barbie is a fantasy that strongly appeals to both sexes, hence, trapping us in its world.

According to the author, Barbie reeks of sexuality and its sexual innuendos seem to be an implication of the anti-feminist embodiment of every man’s fantasy. While women have been gravitating towards feminism, away from the male-dominated world in which they are seen as sex objects at the disposal of men, Barbie is a stark reminder that feminist liberation is still far-fetched.

Barbie, therefore, traps all of us. Women aspire to be like Barbie, having a slender waist, a large bust and wear stilettos. This is the picture of a beautiful and sexy woman. Some women go to great length to enhance their sexual appeal. They have resorted to the use of chemicals and even operations and transplants so as to fit into the image of Barbie. Men, on the other hand, have Barbie as the fantastic woman. They would like to date a woman with slender waist and a large bust. Therefore, Barbie has trapped all of us.


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2. Your Basic L.O.L in N.A.D

This essay, written by Perri Klass, is a critical view of the use of jargon in the medical field. Jargon refers to the use of technical and specialized language in a given trade or profession. In healthcare, or medical profession, Klass implies that, to an extent, doctors should use medical jargon, in spite of the fact that it makes little sense to their patients. The use of the medical jargon by doctors also comes with various responsibilities.

There are a number of reasons why doctors should use medical jargon. To begin with, use of medical jargon separates doctors from their patients. The author believes that doctors can take away the pains of the patients and the resultant emotional impact by reformulating it into a language that the patients do not understand. Moreover, the linguistic separation between doctors and their patients helps doctors to be more comfortable when handling their patients. Medical jargon, therefore, helps doctors dispense their duties efficiently as it gives them piece of mind.

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Nevertheless, there is a responsibility that comes with being fluent in medical jargon. Use of the medical jargon by doctors creates the impression that doctors have no sympathy towards their patients, especially those diagnosed with terminal ailments. Doctors who are fluent in the medical jargon, therefore, have a responsibility in finding ways of expressing their feelings for their patients. In addition, doctors who are fluent in the medical jargon have the responsibility of explaining some of the technical terms to their patients whenever necessary. This is because some patients may need to understand the status of their health so as to seek appropriate interventions, especially those looking forward to home-based care. This is especially the case for patients with terminal sicknesses.

3. The Ritual of Fast Food

In this essay, the author, Margaret Visser, takes a close look at fast food restaurants. The author explains the secret behind the success of fast food restaurants. She maintains that fast food outlets are ordinary, simple and predictable. Moreover, there are no surprises in fast food restaurants as one would always expect the same things day in day out. This is what makes fast food restaurants very successful.

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First, fast food restaurants are less formal than regular restaurants. Customers do not require a certain dress code, or speak in a formal manner while in fast food restaurants. This makes them popular among both the middle class and the lower people in the locality. Regular restaurants call for a certain level of formality, which may not be common to all people. For this reason, most people, especially from low social cadres, stay away from regular restaurants and make their way to fast food outlets where they feel at home.

Secondly, fast food restaurants are very simple and customers know exactly what to expect. Workers wear the same uniforms, the buildings are largely similar and the menus are the same. Customers, therefore, do not need to go to a particular one. They can go to any fast food restaurant next to them and get the same services they would have gotten from any of the others. In addition, fast food restaurants do not need to prove anything, and they do not try to be what they are not. To cap it all, they also provide a variety of fast foods at cheap prices, beating competition from regular joints. Essentially, Visser has been able to prove that the success of fast food restaurant is due to their being simple, ordinary and predictable.



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