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Obesity is unusual or excessive fat accumulation that affects the health of a human being. It is connected with such disorders as hypertension and diabetes. Obesity is also a state of imbalance between energy intake and expenditure. Moreover, genetics plays a greater role in the etiology of obesity. Therefore, control of this state through medical supervision is at the forefront of the research. In addition, there is a tendency of increasing weight easily until it exceeds 10% than recommended for individual height and body type. Obesity commonly begins at the adolescence age. Studies have shown that those, who suffer from the condition at this early age, are at a higher risk of becoming obese at the adult age. The deeper cause of obesity is attributed to a number of factors, such as calories consumed and calories exhausted. The increase in this condition is due to the increase of consumption of energy dense food that is high in fat but low in vitamins. Another stimulating factor of obesity is a decrease in physical exercise, because of varying areas of occupation and increased urbanization. Obesity is also caused by the environmental factors, such as food prices, where the readily accessible, economical food contains many fats. Many of the health professionals indicated that genetics, as well as metabolism are among the factors contributing to the rise in obesity. Doctors agree that obesity is growing primarily because of the behavioral changes; for example, eating more and exercising less. There is a need to consider health care professionals and providers on the information related to obesity.


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Social, Financial, and Personal Effects

Historical antecedents of obesity cause death and misery, which most of the epidemiologists accept as the characteristics of the early stage in human development with a long life influence on health. Obesity on the early stages of life is found to increase the chances of contracting various diseases in adult life, such as diabetes and heart disease. Moreover, studies reveal that the short-term effects of excess weight associated with childhood resulted in atherosclerosis disease in adulthood. The scarcity of food through the history has led to the perception that being fat and fleshy is good according to the past opinion.

Obesity has much impact on human life and it is more likely to be negative. The impact includes cardiovascular disease, as obesity is considered as the risk condition due to its effects on the cardiac structure. Individuals suffering from obesity have different functions of cardiac that are altered because of an increase in plasma and blood volume. This effect occurs because of an increase in stroke volume and increasing cardiac output. This increase in cardiac output is because of structural change, which ends up causing myocardial growth.

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Obesity alters cardiovascular system in the different ways and can even lead to a sudden death. Moreover, diabetes might also be the result of obesity. This type of diabetes has enjoyed a conductive environment in the adolescent group of obese individuals by reaching a record of one third of the new cases. Diabetic epidemic cause of obesity is one of the challenging diseases globally along with the sedimentary lifestyle. The impacts of obesity have gone pretty far, as it may be to an extent of causing gallbladder disease. The reason why this occurs is that gallstones are moving at a higher rate in people suffering from obesity. Formation of gallstone requires secretion of supersaturated file, which is greatly affected by obesity. The recent research shows that leptin may work between obesity and gallstone. It also indicates that men with higher body mass index are at a higher risk of gallbladder disease. Another negative result of obesity is the effect on the quality of life. Consequences and psychological problems have undesirable effects on the quality of one’s life. The condition is likely to increase disability among this group of people. The daily functions of obese people are reduced as a consequence of co-morbidities, such as vascular complication. The rising cause of disability is a musculoskeletal mutilation system caused by overweight. The situation, thus, renders the obese with poor quality of life as well as many other issues waiting for them in life.

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Motivation and Learning Theories to Manage Obesity by Patients

The homeostatic and hedonic theories of eating show that food consumption is homeostetically controlled and hormonal signals signify the parameters of individual meals and body fat. The theory gives out the significance of homeostatic regulation of the development of obesity. The theories provide the results of prolonged absence of energy intake and hedonic starvation, which greatly affect the availability and palatability of food in the surrounding. The concepts that can be applied to the social problem include self-acceptance and stereotype. This concept is applied where the individuals can deal with the encounters of stigmatization by ignoring perceptions laid top to them by others. Self-protection is another concept applied by the obese groups in order to protect their self-esteem, which arises because of extensive bias. Research has shown that the psychological consequences of obesity have mixed results and self-esteem is the one being affected to the most among the obese population.

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Moreover, the theories of obesity also indicated the causes and consequences of this phenomenon. However, people’s beliefs sometimes differ from those of the scientific consent experts, who have never been able to investigate the cases involving genes and exercise, which the lay theories greatly explain. Lay theories predict that overconsumption is the most common cause of obesity. Research shows that lay theories are triggered by the environment and that this belief affects people’s likelihood of becoming obese. Most psychological research of lay theories agrees that public perception of health varies according to the immediate material and social circumstances of the people.



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