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Information Assurance for the Enterprise

Question 1: Why is human behavior a factor in assuring reliable protection?

Human behavior is an important factor in ensuring viable protection in that it helps in protection and defending of information and other systems. This is achieved through strictly ensuring that their viability and integrity are maintained alongside other reputable terms such as the authentication confidentiality and non-repudiation.

Question 2: Why is proper understanding so important to effective information security?

Effective information security requires a proper understanding. It enables the organization to fully understand and act in the accepted knowledge of what is required for formal information assurance. It also gives room for implementation of a training program meant to enforce clear understanding of practices in line with each role specified. Proper understanding wills also institute an information response, which is strengthened by a directed set of skills. Information assurance tasks are also executed and monitored with close quantitative measures of performance. Such a measure may include the intrusion detection.


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Question 3: How are levels of advanced knowledge reached? Why is a capability hierarchy necessary?

Advanced knowledge can be achieved by publicizing through simple mechanisms such as posters, handouts and reference cards. It can also be attained by increasing the level of community understanding and discourse. A continuous adaptation also helps attain higher levels of knowledge. The organization in consideration should execute practices that ensure security as per the requirements of every special situation. A continuous change can be achieved by helping employees to fully master the key thinking skills, which are of paramount significance in terms of the identification and solving out of problems.

Question 4: Differentiate between awareness form training and then form education.

Awareness form training is an organized set of instructions that results to an outcome, which has already been defined with strong emphasis on job-specific skills. The sole aim of awareness form training is to ensure that functions to facilitate safe and secure conditions are carried out correctly. On the other hand, education is majorly geared towards knowledge and ensures intelligent responses. It also establishes clear understanding of the mechanism of the information assurance and provides creative and creative thinking abilities, which can cope with a changing world. Educations integrate new knowledge and skills into the daily assurance practices.

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Question 5: Why is it necessary to consider information states when developing an IA solution?

It is necessary to consider information states when developing an Information Assurance solution so as to achieve the sole aims of implementing it. It is necessary to consider that an IA is put forward to expand the scope of the responsibilities and accountabilities related to information assurance professionals. Such a consideration will also incorporate measures, which were there before with new and more proactive approaches. These may include active defense networks.

Question 6: What is the difference between encyclopedic knowledge and process? How do these two apply?

Encyclopedic knowledge refers to abroad, vast and comprehensive knowledge, which is entirely detailed and well understood in relation to all things. It is innate capability or innate knowledge. The encyclopedic process is the integration of that detailed knowledge in an individual. The tow are interrelated in that for such an individual to posses that vast knowledge of things, he or she has to undergo a process of an exposure to different situations about the same.

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Question 7: What is the usefulness of a disciplined approach?

A discipline enables people to ensure that that they follow and adhere to certain laid down procedures. It is, thus, an essential ingredient when it comes to consistent performance aimed at yielding positive results. A disciplined approach will ensure that the correct procedures put in place are executed in a coordinated fashion in a well versed manner by all the participants at all times.

Question 8: What is the primary human factor that influences the degree of discipline practiced?

The primary key human factor that influences the degree of discipline is motivation. It is an essential ingredient in that it initiates, directs and sustains all forms of the interaction. Motivation ensures that workers have the willingness to carry out tasks in a consistent manners aimed at achieving a certain goal. It also helps in defining an individual’s level and persistence of a person’s commitment towards what is expected of him or her.

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Question 9: Planning is the mechanism employed to implement higher levels of information assurance. Why is it especially for human factors based issues?

Planning is a viable mechanism used to implement higher levels of information assurance since it brings out accountability through appropriate use of policies. Plans, which have been laid out properly, make employees know their performance expectations and any consequences that arise in case of non–compliance with what has been planned.

Question 10: What factors make it harder to execute breakdowns in information assurance which happen as a result of poor performance of the process?

These factors revolve around the framework of social, cultural, political, legal, economic and organizational dynamics of the organization. Social issues may include system of values and beliefs. The cultural factors encompass issues such as behavior, tolerance, the language used, customs and even expressions. Political issues include formal mechanism for resource allocation, conflicts arising legal factors integrate formal adjudication of disputes. Economic factors include market forces, competition, regulation and decisions which are based on self –interest. Organizational factors include human behavior and other organizational behaviors and cultures.

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Question 11: How effective do you think a generally accepted universal code of conduct would be very useful?

The generally accepted universal code of conduct would be effective in an organization if they are carried out with impartiality and objectivity. They should always be open in such that they display full disclosure of the organization. They should be backed up by confidentiality and due diligence. The effectiveness of such codes of conduct is also determined by fidelity to professional responsibilities and avoiding potential conflicts of interest among the key players in an organization.



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