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Common Application Essay Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

A Common Application Essay is a part of admission process. Various colleges and schools have its own different requirements, some of them ask to write specific topics and others offer to choose one that fits you.

Of course, this kind of writing is significant because it gives you a big chance to show who you are, your background, and views; you have a possibility to tell about yourself exact things that colleges/schools should know.

The question may arise how to write the Common App that will work? It’s not an easy task. And I am going to share with you some ideas how to create an impressing Essay.

So, these are the key tips which definitely come in handy for writing the successful Common Application Essay:

  • The topic is important. Before the start, think carefully about what you would like to tell about yourself and choose the subject that will represent you in a favorable light.
  • Few words are best. Say no to generality, avoid clichés, be creative and concrete in your statements.
  • The role of grammar is crucial. It’s not a big deal to make a mistake, but it will create not the best impression about your Application Essay, so after the whole text is done, read it carefully, even aloud, or ask somebody else for help.
  • Keep the structure clear. Mind in order to make your text memorable divide it into paragraphs, pay attention to the introduction which attracts the reader’s interest the most, unfold your ideas in the main part, and finish with the promising and strong conclusion. The Essay must be interesting, honest, unique, passionate, well-structured, and informative.
  • Don’t overload your text. Successful Common Apps are easily read ones. Do not use complex words and tricky phrases that you don’t use in your daily life. Keep in mind, Admission officers are the same people as you are, they read tens Essays per day, so it’s better to write a remarkable and meaningful text and touch those themes which are important for you.
  • Forewarned, forearmed. Starting to write a Common Application Essay make sure that you know the fundamental values and requirements of the school you are going to apply to. This means to explore the web-site of the school, read the history of it, find the coincidence with your views, and use it wisely in your context.

Last, but not least:

  • Use your time management skills. My strong advice is not to write Application Essay before the burning deadline, but to start earlier and take your time. Remember, good ideas can come anytime! Before sending your Essay, don’t forget to proofread.

All in all, writing Common Application Essay is a big thing, but try to make a game of it for you! Win this race!


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