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Benefits and Shortcomings of Regionally Aligned Forces and the Training Scenario


The changing times and technological advancements have witnessed an increase in crime rates. As a result, insecurity has lately become a major concern worldwide. The world’s economy has kept on deteriorating due to the increased criminal activities. Nations are in the race for securing their borders in order to safeguard the citizens and attract investors. The fight against insecurity has caused countries in the world to combine efforts in a bid to achieve global security. Different approaches and mechanisms are used to curb international criminal activities. For instance, regional alignment of the forces has been introduced with an aim of ensuring timely and responding immediately to crises. The focus of this paper is on analyzing whether BCTs should be regionally aligned. Also, the paper uses the scenario described in GEN Odierno’s quote to examine the benefits and shortcomings of regionally aligned forces.

Should BCTs Be Regionally Aligned?

To achieve and uphold the required level of security in the nation and over the entire world, Brigade Combat Teams commonly known as BCTs should be regionally aligned. Regional alignment of the BCTs helps the government to increase the concern and focus on the brigade combat teams. As a result, the requirements of the BCTs for effective training are identified and addressed accordingly. Through proper training, the teams enhance their tactics and techniques. To boost the efforts in the fight against insecurity and counter-terrorism missions, the brigade combat teams should be regionally aligned. It should be noted that regional alignment of the BCTs is a step towards reducing the compulsory expenditure incurred by the department of defense. Dividing the forces into smaller groups and allocating them to specific areas of specialization and duty makes budgeting easy since the system eliminates cases of misappropriation of funds.


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In addition to this, the BCTs should be regionally aligned in order to provide the combatant commanders with the necessary skills required by the army. The brigade combat teams normally have special skills and techniques that offer them an upper hand in the fight against border insecurity. As a result, regional alignment of the combat forces ensures that the army officers provide immediate response and are available whenever they are needed. Moreover, the alignment of the BCTs enhances the establishment of forces with geographical expertise that can handle crises in different areas. Brigade combat teams should be regionally aligned as a measure of improving the preparedness of the nations to maintain security and response to crises in the world.

Benefits of Regionally Aligned Forces and the Training Scenario

Regional alignment of forces is of great importance since it contributes a lot to the realization of a secure nation and world as well. For instance, regionally aligned forces have several benefits to the world. Firstly, regionally aligned forces reach and serve different parts of the world. Spreading of forces over the world enhances immediate detection and response to criminal activities. Additionally, having forces deployed to various parts of the world prevents the spread of criminal activities since army officers are always on the alert. Through the regionally aligned forces, security can be achieved worldwide. They also enhance integration and interaction amongst security officers from different nations and parts of the world. As a consequence, soldiers become familiar to each other making it easy to cooperate and combine efforts in case of a crisis.

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Another benefit of the regionally aligned forces is that they help nations to keep good relationships and prevent future conflicts. For instance, peace amongst nations is achieved due to the cooperation and unity of the forces from different states operating in the same geographical area. Nations align such forces with the same objective of achieving and maintaining security and steady international relationships. The regionally aligned forces also enhance cultural diversification and awareness through which cross-cultural communication is improved. Cross-cultural interaction and communication play a role in the success of the forces' missions since the soldiers are equipped with the knowledge and techniques on how to enter and operate in different cultural settings.

Regionally aligned forces are beneficial since through them, the problems facing the international environment are eliminated. The aligned forces can counter and deal with the emerging, complex issues about security. Furthermore, the forces provide humanitarian services to ensure that the victims of insecurity and other calamities are rescued. Through the regionally aligned forces, nations have increased their capability and ability to deal effectively and efficiently with crimes and other compromising situations.

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On the other hand, the training scenario presented by General Odierno was beneficial to both the forces and the nation itself. The fact that the training enables the units to acquire the necessary skills and techniques to curb insecurity makes the program valid. In addition to this, the training is focused on ensuring that the officers gain geographical expertise in order to boost their effectiveness while on duty in different parts of the world.

Shortcomings of Regionally Aligned Forces and the Training Scenario

The regionally aligned forces have some disadvantages to the nations and to the world as a whole. For instance, the security departments place a lot of emphasis and concern on the international affairs but not on the national issues. As a result, national security is likely to deteriorate. Additionally, aligned forces depend a lot on the cooperation and collaboration of the nations in the world. Consequently, the standards of the forces of a country might be unsatisfactory due to over-dependency on other states.

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The training program suggested disadvantages for other security departments in the nation. It is evident that the training scenario gives more consideration to the regionally aligned forces than other units in the security department. Moreover, for the training program to be initiated, a greater budgetary allocation has to be made for the regionally aligned forces. Another shortcoming of them and the training scenario is that the programs take too long time to bear fruits, hence, by the time they materialize, the state of the nation might have worsened.

There is a need for the BCTs to be regionally aligned since the alignment enables the nations to secure their borders. For example, the regional alignment of the United States’ forces enabled them to ensure peace is restored in Afghanistan and other countries in the world. Through the alignment, most forces over the world have advanced since they can benchmark with many other army forces that are above them in service delivery. The regionally aligned forces have a lot of benefits to the world and should be adopted by the nations that wish to secure their citizens. On the other hand, the training scenario presented by General Odierno should be established and developed to ensure the world is secure.

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The ever advancing technology has made criminals more capable, hence dealing with their destructive activities requires dedication and commitment. There is a need for the countries over the world to unite and combine efforts in the fight against crimes and insecurity. Ensuring that combatant commanders have the right officers with the required knowledge and skills is a major boost to the efforts of maintaining high security levels. The struggle for achieving a secure world has made most nations come together that has fostered peaceful coexistence amongst nations. As a result, the world is achieving economic growth and increased investment among nations due to high levels of security. BCTs should be regionally aligned to enhance security in the whole world.



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