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Person`s life is the most important thing. When you find yourself between life and death, other problems go aside. We just want to live to the fullest and enjoy every new day. However, some situations, like health problems, may deprive us of such possibility. Medic is a specialist who is able to treat the disease thus returning the belief that life continues and this is what inspired me to pursue a career in medical field.

Doctors are highly demanded in the whole world today. It is scary to think how many people could lose their friends and relatives, or could be disabled without proper and timely help. Therefore, it is important to identify the disease of the patient and assign the correct treatment. Medic must be a professional in his field, who constantly improves the knowledge about the methods of diseases treatment. During the globalization process, the progress does not stand still: a lot of new equipment appears and doctors need to be familiar with their usage. Furthermore, medics must keep medical secret since they give the Hippocratic oath, which states the real face of the true doctor - humanist, always ready to come to aid of those who suffer at any time. Humanity is a very important requiring the doctor to be caring, compassionate, and kind. When I was sick, the priority quality of the medic for me was empathy. I believe it is essential for the doctor to try to understand how the patient feels both physically and emotionally, and convey this understanding to the latter.


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Mastering this particular profession is in fact very difficult, but it is much more difficult to accept the responsibility for human`s life. People visit the doctor with the hope of understanding, proper treatment, and participation. My desire is to help all people in need, not just those who have the money and the opportunity, not only those who can preserve and maintain their health through fitness classes, healthy and nutritious meals, a variety of recreation etc. I want to aid everyone, who I daily see on the street: the old grandmother, the disabled, the sick children since they all deserve our help and compassion.

It is believed that medic must be cruel and should not feel sorry for the sick or for the pain of the patient. I agree that the medic should be tough, but by no means callous and rude. Instead, doctor must be decisive and thoughtful, risky and ready to take the responsibility for his decisions. Sometimes life depends on a few seconds, and only professional can take proper actions for salvation of a person. Sometimes there are accidents in which it is impossible to return the patient's health. Furthermore, many families may blame doctors in their relatives’ death. However, it is essential to remember that doctor is not a God, and not everything is in his hands regardless of his educational level. There frequently are different situations that require immediate decision making and taking the risk.

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In spite of all the possible difficulties implied by the profession, I still dream of becoming a doctor. I clearly realize that it is not always possible to help everyone, but I will try to do my best to make people feel good for themselves and for their close friends and family. Every profession is both complex and interesting at the same time, but if one succeeds in finding one’s vocation, the work becomes a joy for him or her. I am convinced that this occupation will always be demand, as long as there always will be someone who requires professional treatment.



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