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Personal Statement: a Master Degree in Nursing

The primary purpose of nursing is to promote and maintain good health, support patients, prevents health-related diseases, and help others. My working experience has shown that qualified nursing requires a combination of numerous skills, knowledge, and practices. The profession embraces the development of personal and professional values, scientific knowledge, art, individual thoughts, devotion, as well as desire to sacrifice in order to help others. It is evident that to fulfill health care needs and patients’ requirements, nurses should be proficient, highly qualified, and well-educated. I realize that further education, namely a master degree, will help me become equipped with proper knowledge.

Nursing is both science and art. Therefore, a master degree will ensure the provision of high quality health care services, effective treatment of patients, and other qualities as well as duties. I am a communicative, responsible, and liable person. It means that I will do my best to attend all seminars, conferences, and workshops to get effective communication skills with patients, their relatives, and doctors, support mental and social values of people. Nurses play an essential role in the life of an entire society. Also, they assist in building the relationship between people and health care providers. My professional qualities and traits will help me effectively perform these functions.


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I am a licensed registered nurse dedicated to the highest standards of excellence. However, I seek a master degree in nursing as it will provide me more advanced knowledge. It will be a big step in acquiring the skills I already possess. For the last three years, I have been a head nurse in Oncology and Hematology Department. Hence, the degree will help me become a better manager. Also, I will get an opportunity to work towards a doctoral degree. I want to become the best in the field of nursing, and in order to do that I realize that I have to study hard to get promotion and advance. This is possible in case of getting a master degree. It is essential for nurses to be committed to their continuous professional education. The degree will ensure increased expertise in the field and shape the future of health care. This means that I will be able to play an essential role in the way people are treated in hospitals and the design of medical care. It will be incredibly satisfying for me as I am sure than nursing is my calling.

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The degree will help me to get better career opportunities as job prospects are good for the nursing professionals with a master degree. Moreover, I am interested in becoming a nurse educator. Hence, I will be able to educate people seeking to get started in the field of nursing. I dream of playing a vital role in the continuous care of global communities, building excellent professional contacts, increased flexibility at work, and getting career advancement. A master degree program presupposes courses in advanced communication and advanced leadership. The skills of leadership are essential for any profession, and nursing in particular. They will help me make important decisions in the development of health care policy. Finally, constant development, self-improvement, and education bring personal satisfaction. I am sure that setting of career and academic objectives, as well as recognition of own abilities enables a person to become successful and have a positive attitude to work and education. Therefore, education will give me better prospects, as well as confidence in my abilities, skills, and knowledge.

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Thus, a master degree in nursing will equip me with necessary knowledge that will positively influence my career, place in the sphere of nursing, and enable me to affect the future of nursing. I want to improve my specialization in oncology and dermatology. I am sure that the degree will help me to be a resourceful nurse who is a part of a multi-disciplinary team who is responsive and care about all patients and their families.



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