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Global Culture and Business


Changing times and generations have witnessed the development of new ways of life and methods of doing things. Change is inevitable and, as a result, culture and the way of transacting business have continued to change. For instance, globalisation has transformed the world into a small village, creating a totally different life experience to what the past generation was used to. The incorporation and the use of advanced technologies have completely revolutionized the manner in which people interact and do business. Life has totally changed, creating a profound divide between the past and current generation. Nowadays, scientific innovations and discoveries are reported daily, providing evidence of evolution and changing ways of life. Fluctuating and worrying economic trends have become the order of the day since most countries are occasionally finding themselves in difficult economic situations. Incidences of global warming are on the rise, making the world uninhabitable for both plants and animals. On the other hand, the volatility of the word affairs has helped most countries and organizations plan ahead and manage resources effectively to avoid compromising situations. The changing times and adoption of new techniques have negatively affected human beings. Natural factors, increased human population, and other human activities have made life more unpredictable, unsettled, complicated, and difficult than it was in the past.


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Technology and Globalisation

It is true that life has certainly become more volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous than in the past. This fact is evident from the activities and changes that have taken place recently. For instance, the rate at which the world has evolved and advanced technologically cannot be measured. The factors that have contributed to technological development are numerous and obscure. As a result, there is a widespread cultural exchange and diversity, which has enhanced the growth and development of the western culture and extinction of other cultures, which negatively impacts human life (Elms & Low, 2013). People have changed their lifestyles in favour of those that add value to life, enhancing interactions and mingling among nations and communities constantly. The volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity in modern life is evident from the current state of the world.

The modern world has achieved rapid globalisation through which nations all-over the world stay interconnected and exchange ideas, boosting international relations and peaceful coexistence. Consequently, globalisation has taken world business to another level where nations can benchmark with an aim of improving the involved states (Elms & Low, 2013). The desire of countries to promote their exports and establish strong business links with other states contributes enormously to globalisation. Each day, the world is seen to take a different dimension, keeping countries on the alert for engaging in emerging issues in the society (Stiglitz, 2006). For example, states that were thought to be super powers of the world by the past generation have lost some influence due to the different dynamics of changes that have seemingly confronted them.

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Global Warming and Other Natural Calamities

In the past, life was less hectic and dynamic. It is evident from the few calamities and challenges witnessed in early times. The fore-generations could not imagine that life would change greatly the way it has changed. For example, today, the world is full of challenges that have forced nations and organizations to try to create a comfortable and friendly environment for inhabitants (Hartzell-Nichols, 2012). There have emerged many extremely serious diseases that are incurable, such cases were never witnessed earlier, proving the uncertainty of today's world. It is also hard to determine the real cause for most of the challenges that face the world today since there is no scientific proof for most of them. Different organizations are established in many countries with the aim of promoting health and wellness among people and to create awareness of importance to plan ahead and minimize the occurrence of misfortunes. Secondly, nations are no longer stable economically and most of them are relying on donations and foreign funding, unlike in the past where each state was stable. Economic instability is largely attributed to the ever growing world population. This was not the case in the past since the population was small and manageable. The world is also witnessing global warming as a result of increased human activities and pollution of the environment, posing a great threat to the existence of human beings (Hartzell-Nichols, 2012).

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Over exploitation of natural resources is evident due to the scramble for the few available resources that leads to hostility amongst nations. As a result of the tense relations, the rate of development is slow within nations and in the world at large. Crime rates have also been on the rise in the recent past unlike in times when crimes were minimal and people coexisted peacefully. The world is changing all the time and organizations and countries have found themselves in difficult situations that compromise their financial status and existence in general. The world today calls for proper planning, effective utilization, and management of the available resources in-order to deal with the rising uncertainties. Through planning, nations can be able to deal with tough times and satisfy needs of people. The challenges witnessed today provide enough evidence that life has become more complicated, risky, changing, and ambiguous than it was in the past.

Increased Awareness Programs and Unemployment

The development of new technologies and methods of solving problems have a great impact on the lives of human beings. Most of the organizations that exist today are focused on creating awareness and understanding. With the help of awareness programs people are enabled to accommodate and cope with the changing world effectively. For instance, today there are many institutions that offer financial and health advice to the public. Most of the problems of human wellbeing revolve around finances. Everybody is in the race to acquire wealth, which in return makes the world more complex than before. As a result, those people with little or no money find it difficult to live comfortably in today’s world. The embrace of the western culture promoted education among nations, hence, most of the people have access to education and desire for employment (Stiglitz, 2006). It has turned out to be a huge pressure on the world since there are not enough job opportunities to cater for the whole educated population (Elms & Low, 2013).

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The introduction and incorporation of machines at workplace also plays a major role in the increased pressure. For instance, the use of machines not only enhances the efficiency and quality of outputs but also saves time. On the other hand, machines replace people at workplaces, assuming their roles and leading to unemployment. Mechanization and industrialization have both contributed greatly to the complexity of life. Nations are, therefore, in the race to satisfy their citizens but in vain due to the many issues present in the world today. Political instability is frequently witnessed as a result of large populations and development in the world. Organizations and countries are falling apart due to political and leadership wrangles that cause poor management and service delivery to the public. The confusion evident in the world today was never present in the past. This proofs that life is indeed more hectic, unhealthy, complex and changing.

Ineptitude and Mistrust in Government Agencies

A critical look at the past has indicated that organizations served real purposes for which they were formed and satisfied the needs of the public. However, today, it is not the case since there are so many institutions whose functions and objectives contradict their sole purpose (Fogarty, 2013). People are not accessing required services due to the confusion and contradiction in the world today. For instance, governments in the past were trustworthy and guaranteed protection and security to the citizens. Today, most governments have turned against the citizens, embezzling and squandering public funds and resources for their own benefit. As a result, there is mistrust between administrators and their subjects, resulting in lack of support and, hence, retarded development within nations. Consequently, nowadays, government bodies have not bothered to contribute to the wellbeing of the public as it was the case in the past couple of years. Such a state of mistrust is heightened by the volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity in life.

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Competency and Social Disparities

In recent times, people have worked hard to meet the demands, each individual has to struggle to fit in the society and survive, unlike in the past when life was simple and direct. The world has become very competitive and it changes the nature and life of its inhabitants. That is why, each country is trying modern methods of doing things in a bid to compete favourably in the current world full of changing business trends. For example, most nations have embraced the use of the internet and technology in business to market their product. Countries have also initiated programs that help people and the nation at large to exploit their potential and withstand the ever changing conditions in the world. Such initiatives are aimed at counteracting the effects of confusion among people and states to achieve the desired levels of competency.

It is not easy for the world to handle the emerging issues and forces resulting from the changing times due to the lack of competency. Some countries, such as Greece, have had their problems due to the effects of economic instability, whereas others have fallen victims of the uncertainty and have failed to provide the basic needs of the citizens due to poor administration and lack of planning. Countries have to learn from the past and go back to the drawing board to secure the future of the public. The number of nations seeking foreign aid has increased, which is a clear indication that the life of their citizens is in danger due to forces of transition (Fogarty, 2013). The culture of most nations has also advanced to meet the current demands. The uncertainty and complexity of life have contributed to the advancement in several countries, while other states have totally failed to develop under such circumstances. This situation has created gaps between developed and underdeveloped nations, which is evident in today’s life. These gaps have led to isolation and grouping of countries, either developed or undeveloped; hence, those nations thought to be less developed continue lagging behind in development. It should also be noted that the world will keep on changing in future and, hence, administrators should be aware of the emerging issues in management to deal with complex transformations of today’s life.

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The current state of the world proves that the world has changed dramatically. This is alluded to by the fact that the population is rapidly growing and that the world is adopting cultural diversification and globalisation, increasing the forces influencing life. Challenges have both positive and negative effects on the life of human beings. The transforming state and nature of the world has led to the growth of a culture that enhances wellness of people. Nations have achieved desirable economic growth as a result of globalisation and use new technologies in business. Consequently, different countries have partnered to foster investment and boost benchmarking. Through the interconnection, equity has been established, leading to financial stability amongst nations. A global culture has been developed, which has enhanced achievements of peaceful coexistence among countries and communities. Presently, different nations and organizations plan forward and remain flexible to cater for the changing world. Planning also helps institutions expand and achieve their objectives without necessarily compromises. The world is evolving as time goes by and, therefore, different forces and factors will continue shaping behaviour and nature of human beings. Consequently, life is really more demanding, uncertain, unpredictable, and ambiguous than it was in the past.



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