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  • +I cannot place my order at your site. I press the “Submit” button, but it is not registered.

    This glitch or delay in the order loading may happen because of the restrictions connected with the uploaded files. If you have tried to attach files to the registration form and they have exceeded the minimum allowed size, it is better to send them to the customer care agents via email.

  • +I have marked the wrong deadline/order type/number of pages, etc. Can I edit my order registration form?

    After you have clicked the “Submit” button, you cannot make any changes that are related to the paper descriptionon your own. Usually, such criteria as deadline and paper length are specifically those that impact the order price. Therefore, changing them predetermines the change in the total price for the order. In such case, you should inform our customer care team and they will help you in this process. Take into consideration that you will have to pay a compensation when you change requirements.

  • +Is it possible to ask my writer add more pages to my paper?

    Yes. Keep in mind that you will have to place an additional order that will be linked to the one that should be extended. When you place it online, you have to indicate the number of pages that have to be added. If you cannot understand how to add this order on your own, remember that you can always rely on our support team for help.

  • +Can I check somehow whether a writer has been assigned or not?

    When we have found a writer to work on your paper, his/her ID will appear in the relevant field (line “Writer”). You will be able to monitor these details manually.

  • +Can I inquire a draft of my paper?

    Sure, we provide such option. The draft is usually a one-page paper that is delivered after half the deadline has come to an end. Draft should be paid for additionally.

  • +What is the way of sending a revision if I need some improvements in my paper?

    There is a button “Request a revision” in each order details form. When you need some changes, you can send a request to your writer, indicate specific remarks and instructions on what should be done,and set the deadline for revision. When you send a revision, you are not allowed to change initial instructions. Besides, there is a free revision option — when you manage to send the request within 48 hours or 30 days (depending on the order specifics) after the deadline ends.

  • +Is it possible for customers to edit their profiles and change contact data?

    You need to log in to the website, click the “Profile” tab, and pick an option “Edit my profile.” There you go — you are able to change the provided information and add the necessary updates. Just do not forget to save the changes afterwards.

  • +How much time passes from the moment I place an order that you can assign me a writer?

    We try to assign a writer for your order within the shortest time possible as we realize that the sooner we assign a writer, the more time they will have to manage your order properly. On average, it may take from a few minutes to a few hours. It all depends on the availability and busyness of our writers’ team and the very features of your order.

  • +The free revision period has already passed, but I would like to send a revision request, as I am not fully satisfied with my order.

    Even if the free revision option has expired, you can place a revision order for separate payment. You just have to indicate “Revision” as a type of your assignment.

  • +What are the ways of getting in touch with writers?

    Clients have a direct messaging system and it can be used for exchanging messages with writers. However, when you need a fast reply, you can contact our live chat support and they will get a response from your writer faster.

  • +Where will I able to download my completed order?

    Our writers upload finished academic writing assignments to the “Files” section. When you are logged in to your personal profile, you can download the paper from there. We also send automatic notifications to your email with the link to paper download.

  • +Can you help clients with tests and online exams?

    Yes, we have experts who can even work on online tests and exams in real-life regime. You just need to choose this order type, i.e. “Online test” when you are registering your order online. This order type is different from ordinary custom-written papers. You need to send us instructions and clarifications on the order specifics as well as upload all materials needed for successful preparation for the test. Do not forget to mention your time zone and the exact time when the test takes place. Remember to leave your student’s credentials to the test platform so that the assigned expert could perform the test in real-time regime on your behalf.

  • +Will you help me with a coding assignment?

    No, we provide only the services related to custom writing. When it comes to IT-related tasks, app development, coding, etc., we do not have specialists in these fields.

  • +How will I get notified by your company of the writing progress?

    We send email notifications. Usually, these are some automatically sent messages that include information about the order writing progress, when the file is uploaded, when a writer is assigned, etc. Additionally, you may get SMS, calls, and system messages.

  • +How can I check and be sure that a writer is working on my paper?

    Our company’s clients can check all these details manually. The status “Payment Verification” states that your financial transaction was not conducted successfully. Thus, you are required to press the “Pay Now” button to make a payment or forward a receipt to us. When the status says “Processing,” it means that your order is being written by a writer. When the status is “Completed,” you can download the document from the “Files” section.

  • +When am I supposed to receive the completed paper?

    Orders are delivered according to the deadline that you indicate when you register the paper online. The deadline countdown starts when you verify the payment.

  • +I have difficulties registering the order. What may be the reasons?

    If our company’s website does not enable you to proceed with the order placement process, you need to check on whether you have filled in the details in all required fields. If all fields have been filled in, but you still cannot submit the paper, the problem may stem from the exceeding file size. So, you are recommended to send the materials and instructions via email indicating your order ID in its title. Your files will be added by our support team to your order.

  • +Where will my paper be sent?

    Your paper is uploaded to the system and can be accessed by you when you log in to your personal account. To find it, you need to click the “Completed Orders” section.

  • +I face some issues when paying for the order. What shall I do?

    Our company administration does not process the issues connected with payments directly. However, what we recommend first is try paying by using another web browser or another credit card. If these recommendations do not help, you should then contact our support team or even your bank for details and explanations.

  • +Do your company’s writers send orders earlier if they complete them before the deadline?

    Actually, no, as they strictly adhere to the deadline limits. If you want a paper earlier, you need to pay a compensation so that your writer and editor could prioritize your order and get a decent amount of payment for their work.

  • +Can I receive my finished paper via email when my writer completes it?

    Finished papers can be downloaded from the “Completed Orders” section in your personal profile. You will just need to click the “Files” section after logging in to your cabinet. Besides, you will get an email with the direct link to your completed work.

  • +I have ordered writing services of supreme level, and I want a specific writer to work on my essay. Is this service included in the supreme package?

    When you order the supreme writing service package, you are guaranteed that one of top 30 writers competent in your academic field will be assigned to work on your assignment. Besides, a comprehensive plagiarism report will be provided to you. However, you cannot choose a specific writer here. If you want a specific expert, though, you need to register this additional option separately as a “Preferred Writer”and pick a premium writing service. Our Writing Department will make certain to assign the indicated specialist to your paper straight away. In this case, a detailed report on plagiarism will be also issued to you.

  • +I do not want to record my phone number. Should I really indicate it?

    We cannot obligate you to do it, but you are strongly recommended to leave your contact details, as it will ensure that effective communication can be maintained. Whenever we need to forward you some urgent message from the writer, we will be able to that by contacting you via phone.

  • +Do you guarantee privacy of data?

    Yes, all services are confidential and nobody will ever get to know that you have been cooperating with us. Our company strictly adheres to the privacy policy, and so all information you share with our service is kept confidential. No details will ever be disclosed to the third parties.

  • +Within the free revision time, can I send only one revision?

    No, you are not limited in the number of revision requests you can send. Just keep in mind that you need to fit within the limited time.

  • +How can I be certain that the content in my paper is not plagiarized?

    It is our company’s prerogative to deliver only original papers that are not copied from anywhere. Besides, each paper is scanned via anti-plagiarism software before it is sent to clients.

  • +Who is my paper going to be assigned to?

    When assigning your paper to a writer, we will check whether he/she is competent in your subject area. We assign only those writers who are professionals in your major and who have decent experience in the topic of your paper. Be assured that your paper will meet all requirements.

  • +Can I request thorough editing and proofreading of my paper?

    If you want to submit a premium-quality work, you can request an additional VIP service that is called “Proofreading Service.” When you order this service, your paper is sent to the editing department before it is forwarded to you. As such, our company’s expert editors make sure that your paper is flawless in terms of sentence structure, grammar, and punctuation.

  • +Can I ascertain myself somehow that the assigned writer is really working on my paper?

    It is possible to keep track of the writing progress in your personal account. You can manually check the order status — if it is “New,” it means that your payment was conducted successfully. The “Processing” status means that a writer has started work on your paper. The status “Sent” states that your paper was uploaded to the system. To stay informed about any changes in the order status, you can order our VIP service called “Get SMS notifications.”In this case, you will get text messages every time the status of your assignment alters.

  • +I have committed an error when filling in my order registration form. Now I see that the deadline is wrong. Can I change it?

    You need to contact the customer care agents and inform them about this issue. They will help you implement all the necessary changes on your behalf. When you shorten the deadline, you will have to pay a compensation for the difference in the due dates. Our agents will determine the amount of the compensation by checking the charge at our site, place a compensation order, and forward you the link by following which you will be able to make a payment. Once it is confirmed, the new deadline will be set.

  • +How should I place my new order if I want it to be written specifically by the writer who has already provided papers for me?

    If you liked how a particular writer coped with your previous assignments, you need to copy their writer’s ID and insert it into the “Preferred Writer” field in the registration form of the new order. Be sure that this option is additionally paid. 15% will be added to the total order price.

  • +What is your service accountable for?

    First and foremost, our service is accountable for quick finding of a writer when you place an order with us. Second, we make sure that the quality of content is appropriate and that the paper is free from plagiarism. Last but not the least; we monitor the delivery process carefully to make sure that the paper is delivered strictly according to the set deadline.

  • +Can I count on you when I want to order a complicated paper?

    Yes, of course. We have writers who hold Ph.D. and Master’s degrees, so they can handle the papers of any complexity. In any case, you can check whether we have appropriate specialists even before ordering a paper from us.

  • +What are the problems with payment related to?

    Some authorization and payment errors may be easily solved by using another web browser or banking card for proceeding with the payment. However, if there are some more difficult problems, you may need to contact your bank.

  • +Even though I click the “Proceed” button on the order registration page, my paper will not proceed and the web page stays gray.

    The format of the attached files may not be supported or their size may exceed the limit. In this case, try sending the files via email to our customer support representatives.

  • +I have already paid for the order, but the message asking me to pay still pops up in the system.

    To check whether the payment went successfully, you have to look for the payment receipt that should have been sent to your email. So, check your inbox and forward us the copy of the receipt. Another way to check whether the payment was successful is to log into your banking account and see whether money for our services was withdrawn from your card. In case you do not have the receipt or charge on your bank statement, it follows that the financial transaction was not made. Thus, you should use another card/browser/payment processing agency to make a payment.

  • +I want to check with your writers whether they can handle my assignment. Only when I get a clear confirmation from them, I will place an order online. Is that possible?

    Yes, you can check it out with us. Send your requirements to our customer care agents and they will clarify it with the Writers’ Department.

  • +Is it imperative to provide my phone number on my profile?

    We do recommend clients to provide valid contact details upon registration, as in this case we will be able to contact them if any urgent issue occurs, e.g. when additional guidelines are required.

  • +I got an email notifying me of the order refund. How much time does this process require?

    On average, the refund process may take from three to five business days. However, it also depends on the working hours of your bank.

  • +What are the ways of getting in touch with your writers?

    Customers have an opportunity to send text messages to their writers via direct communication system. If they need some urgent reply, but the writer is not responding, there is a possibility of contacting customer care agents and they will then forward the message to the writer.

  • +Where can I find the finished writing?

    Just log in to your personal account, go to the “My Orders” section, then click the “Completed Orders” button, and then go to the “Files” tab. There you will be able to download the completed document. If you have difficulties in detecting your completed assignment, contact our support team.

  • +When exactly will I be sent the completed essay?

    As you were filling out the order registration form, you should have indicated a specific deadline according to which you need your paper to be delivered. If you have forgotten what deadline you specified, check it in your account, the section “My Orders,” the “Delivery” unit namely.

  • +Can I ask my assigned writer to purchase the book needed for the completion of my assignment?

    No, all materials needed for successful and effective completion of your assignments should be provided by you.

  • +I was trying to register my order with you for several times, but in vain. The page just keeps loading but does not accept my registration form.

    Try to refresh the page. Make sure there are no big files attached to the page. You can actually delete all files from the registration form and send them via email to customer care agents.

  • +I was told to extend my paper and add extra pages. How can I get them from your service?

    You just need to place an additional order. As soon as you indicate how many pages are needed and as soon as you pay for the order, that new additional order will be linked to the initial one. Afterwards, your assigned writer will receive a notification of the change of requirements.

  • +Is it OK if I shorten the deadline that I have set previously?

    It is OK as long as you pay a compensation for the paper. So, contact the customer care agents to find out how much you have to pay taking into account the difference in the deadlines.

  • +What order type should I indicate if I cannot find the appropriate one on the list that you provide?

    Try sending your paper description to us and we will help you identify the type of order that you need.

  • +Can you promise that I will get an original paper free from plagiarism?

    It is one of our company’s priorities to guarantee plagiarism-free content. Before delivery, a team of experts is working on your paper to make sure that it adheres to all instructions and recommendations. It is a must that we check your documents via anti-plagiarism software. Note that you will be able to get your papers scanned by PlagiarismSearch upon delivery. Please pay attention that our team does not use Turnitin since it tends to automatically save the checked texts and, therefore, it is impossible to scan them twice.

  • +Do you guarantee confidentiality of services?

    Privacy policy is one of the top guarantees of our company. We assure that nobody will ever know that you have been purchasing papers from us. None of the facts is ever disclosed to the third parties. You can feel safe and secure when it comes to using our services.

  • +Do your writers guarantee that papers will be delivered on time?

    Yes, all papers that you order from us will be sent according to the originally set deadline without any delays.

  • +Can I discuss and negotiate the payment for the order?

    We do not offer negotiable prices since we have a fixed pricing policy. If you want to buy an order at a lower price, you can monitor the discount coupons or special offers from time to time.

  • +What are the means of getting in touch with my writer if there are pending questions on the order writing process?

    Should you have comments or questions, you are free to send them to your writers via direct messaging system on the website. For urgent clarifications, please contact the customer support team.

  • +I am trying to place my order online at your site, but the webpage freezes and does not allow me to proceed. What might be the reason for that?

    The attachment of large files that exceed the allowed minimum may result in this delay. Therefore, instead of trying to attach all the possible documents and instructions, try to send them via email. Our customer care representatives will then forward them to your writer.

  • +I want to get online test help from you. However, I cannot proceed with the registration, as there is no one-hour deadline possible. How can I place my order if the test is one hour long?

    Directly contact the customer support representatives and check on whether there is a writer available at the time of your test. Only after that turn to the agent to help you place the order and share all the necessary materials with your assigned expert.

  • +When my paper is refunded, I would like my money to be reimbursed in the form of bonus credits. Can I ask your company about that?

    Sure, you can. You are required to get in touch with our agents (via Live Chat) or directly with the Financial Department (email to and inform them about your decision. Your money in the form of bonus credits will be provided to your personal cabinet once your refund is approved. The received credits can be used to purchase papers from us.

  • +When exactly should I expect my order to be delivered and how can I receive it?

    You will get the paper on deadline expiration. You will be able to download the paper from your personal profile, specifically the “Files” section. In short, you will be sent an automatic email with the link for download.

  • +What order type should I pick?

    To better understand what type you need to pick, ask our customer care agents for assistance. Send them your instructions and they will help you make the right decision.

  • +How can I be certain that the paper I get from you will meet my requirements and that I will get an excellent grade for it?

    Even though we never assure clients that they will get an A for the papers ordered from us, we do guarantee that the papers will boast their outstanding quality. Writers on our team are experienced professionals who hold Master’s and Ph.D. degrees, so you will definitely be satisfied with the result you get. You may also look through our “Samples” section to ensure that our specialists are skilled at creating papers.

  • +Can I apply for earlier delivery of my order?

    Yes, you can ask to send you the paper earlier. You will just have to place a compensation order to pay the difference in deadlines. You may turn to our support agents for assistance.

  • +Who will be handling my assignment?

    All papers that clients buy from us are performed by the experts in the corresponding research fields. We never assign unexperienced writers to work on your papers.

  • +Can I check if your writers can cope with my academic writing task before placing the order?

    You can send us your instructions first and then we will inform you whether we have experts who are able to deal with your task.

  • +What are the details of your pricing policy?

    When we compose the prices for different types of writing, we take into account numerous criteria: paper type, length, deadline, complexity level, and others. You can find out the total price with the help of our online calculator, check the “Prices” page, or ask one of our customer care agents to help you.

  • +How will you send the finished assignment to me?

    Your assigned writer will finish the paper and upload it to the system. If you cannot log in to your personal profile for the moment, you can be sent the paper via email.

  • +I have written my paper partially, but I am stuck with some parts. Can you write them for me?

    Sure, you can rely on our writers for this assignment. Just send us the instructions and the parts of the paper you have written.

  • +What are your company’s working hours?

    Our company works round the clock. You are free to place the order at any time that you need.

  • +Do your writers work on urgent assignments?

    Yes, our writers can cope with urgent tasks without any troubles. Just contact our support agents to discuss your urgent task before placing your order so that you can be sure of its timely completion.

  • +I would like a certain writer from my previous orders to handle my paper for me. How can I find him/her?

    Just find the order that he/she completed for you and that you liked. In the order description, you will see the writer’s ID field, so copy that ID number and insert it into the new order registration field. This additional service costs 15% more to the total order price, but it is a guarantee that a specific writer will be assigned.

  • +Can I ask for revision if I need some corrections in the paper?

    Yes, you can opt for a free revision request or a paid one. The former can be proceeded when you fit into the time limit of 48 hours after the deadline expiration. In this case, you cannot change original order instructions and send only revision remarks on what should be changed or improved. The latter option can be chosen when the free time for revision has already expired and when you need to alter the original instructions.

  • +Does your company guarantee excellent grades for the papers I purchase from you?

    We never guarantee grades although we always assure you that the quality of the ordered papers will be outstanding. There is a simple reason why we do not promise you any grades —we cannot be responsible for your professor’s subjective grading process.

  • +Is there a possibility to scan my paper for plagiarism with your service?

    When you order the VIP plagiarism check service from us, you can be certain that your writing projects will be scanned by our anti-plagiarism software. Note that this option allows to check texts for plagiarism for free throughout one year.

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