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Implementation of a Plan: Preventing Catheter Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI)

Plan implementation is a management tool designed to detail the steps required to start or develop a project. It assists staff in an organization to be proactive and not reactive in identifying challenges and acting upon them, as they get along in their normal duties. In reference to this claim, my plan is to educate the staff in organization on how to prevent Catheter Urinary Tract infection (CAUTI).

Methods for Getting Support from Leaders and Fellow Staff

To get approval from organization’s leadership, one must form alliance earlier before presentation to the stakeholders. The step involves sharing ideas privately with people responsible, so that they can help in developing it and feel as a part of the plan. The initiative is very likely to show leadership the interest in their opinions and also help to expand the idea. Moreover, it entails adequately preparing for questions since the way one answers questions and articulates issues will play a huge role in determining a person’s failure or success. This observation holds, since most people try to stir fear and anxiety in an individual by attacking him/her with various questions, and the way a person articulates answers will determine a lot on how efficient is the proposal. Also, during the presentation, it is important to keep it simple and precise. The observation is likely to be a challenge, since the presenter knows more about the idea than the audience does, and has a higher desire in making them understand, thus may over-explain some things. To secure support from the fellow staff, one should first approach each staff member respectfully and discretely and share opinion regarding the proposed plans and get their reaction and do the necessary adjustments. Additionally, it is important to ensure that staff members understand the plan, and also understand their opinions. Furthermore, before the meeting, ensure that the staff knows the purpose, time, and venue of the meeting in advance. The proposal should take into consideration the fellow staffs’ opinion more than presenter’s personal opinion.


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In order to educate staff in this organization on how to prevent Catheter Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI), there have to be some changes in organization’s policies (Andrioli, Furtado, & Medeiros, 2016). For instance, the organization policy that states that when the organization acquires a new machine, it should only select a panel of experts to train how to use and test it. This stratagem is wrong, since it bars other medical practitioners from having a chance to understand it and hinder their growth of knowledge on medical equipment. It might also lead to the increased spread of the Catheter Urinary tract infection, since most of the medical experts do not have the adequate knowledge on how to use the tube. According to MSN objectives, while having a nursing practicum, a student must be very competent and effective in management of both material and human resources to improve patient outcomes. This objective is essential, since it encourages a medical practitioner to get a chance to familiarize and understand the way medical equipment works. One also notes that the spread of the CAUTI increases if a person is equipped with adequate knowledge on dealing with CAUTI and the other team member is not equipped with the same knowledge and becomes sloppy on his part, while the partner uses it on a patient.

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Explaining the Proposed Solution for This Problem

For this reason, I propose that the organization should change its policy to allow medical practitioners to use the new medical equipment when introduced to the medical facility and not only to a team of experts. It will be useful, since it will reduce the cases of CAUTI. It is likely to achieve the outcome by the team of experts, controlling the spread. Also, there will be no sloppiness when handling a patient with Catheter Urinary Tract infection, since both medical attendants will be well equipped with the knowledge on how to handle a patient. Also, teaching the medics on how to handle the Catheter tube will make them know the time frame within which they should catheterize the tube, and thus reduce the risk of infection. The silver coated catheter has high effectiveness, as it reduces the risk of bacterial infection than latex catheter. It also has a high effect for patients catheterized for less than one week (Bernard, Hunter, & Moore, 2012). The solution of changing the policy to allow everybody to learn about the new equipment is essential. It will spread the level of expertise, so that everyone will be competent enough to handle patients using the equipment provided in hospital. This policy will also be helpful when dealing with emergency situations, where there are few manpower and little experts. Thus, every medic will be able to handle any medical equipment in order to help the patients.

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Rationale for Selecting the Proposed Solution

The reason for selecting this solution is that it is cheaper and easier to use other methods. For instance, the alternative method, like employing experts that are going to handle the technical equipment is more expensive, slower, and cumbersome. When an organization buys new equipment for use in an organization, they need to first understand that they have a team of experts with the competence to handle medical equipment. This requirement holds since they may have forgotten how to use them because of lack of practice and labor specialization. Specialization appears when a nurse gets an assignment in a pharmaceutical department when he/she has an adverse knowledge in other departments, and only needs exposure to it. This solution will also enable the organization to save some time and money since when they opt to employ new experts to handle the equipment, they will have to pay them salary and other benefits. The decision is likely to increase the company expenditure and, therefore, cause losses. When the organization selects few experts to learn about a new gadget every day instead of attending to their normal duties, it will save some time. However, it will be risky to isolate experts from their normal duties and living non experts to handle the patients. Instead, this solution will enable the division of training sessions into groups that contain both experts and none experts. The other experts will attend to the patients outside, while others are being trained.

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Supporting Evidence from Literature Review

Health care acquired urinary tract infection is a great burden to patients who use the catheter and healthcare system. Urinary tract infection constitutes to about 40% of hospital acquired infections. 80% of this infection is caused due to poor cathedral use by the medical staff, which comes from their lack or insufficient training on using the medical equipment. Also, there is a good evidence that some practices decrease the use and duration of urethral catheter by the medical practitioners effectively. The prevention of hospital acquired infections, such as the CAUTI has received increased prominence as infection rates have been exposed to the public spotlight. There is also an expectation for the infection rate to be zero to use as a benchmark for various infectious diseases. For this to happen, the organizations dealing with medical issues should take it upon themselves to educate the medical attendants, so that they are well equipped in handling the catheter tubes. This demand can be made more efficient if they do not choose specific people for the training but the entire medical experts (Nicolle, 2008).

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In 1930, the Foley Catheter was introduced and it has become one of the main sources of urinary tract infection in patients. The long-term urinary tract catheter used in the community accounts for 4% of community nurse time. This number is likely to increase, given the increasing ageing population project rise in life expectancy. For this reason, it is logical for the medical practitioners to attain education on the best way to use the catheter tube to avoid the development and spread of the Catheter associated urinary tract infection. This article, therefore, supports the proposed topic, which is to educate and the method of education and using statistical data to show how it improves patient outcomes (Dailly, 2011).

Description of Implementation Logistics

To ensure that the proposal succeeds, one should set expectation from the staff. When doing this requirement, a person needs to ensure that there is a clear communication of roles of each staff and they should not feel frustrated. One should also build training into the process and make it constant. This move will ensure continuity of the process and make sure that both the workers and the leadership are comfortable with the process. The organization’s leadership should also ensure that the participants are capable of fulfilling their tasks, given so that it aids ease of implementing the new policy (Nicolle, 2008).

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The change will be integrated into the current organizational structure, culture, and workflow by involving staff, clinicians, and middle managers. This involvement is important for the leadership support, since it will make the organization comprehend how to push and support the policy in units. The middle managers and other authorities appointed by the management will be in charge of making sure that they initiate the change and the staffs get relevant education (Gentry & Cope, 2005). Everybody, including the staff, clinicians, middle managers, and directors will oversee implementation of the project.

Resources Required for Implementation

The resources required for implementation of the proposed solution include the staff. The staff should be energetic, and have high learning affinity and willingness to work. Some of the resources that staff will need include pamphlets and handouts, which they will use to read in order for them to understand the topics better. The process requires instructors to teach them about the usage of such equipment each time they buy them (Kahnen, Flanders, & Magalong, 2011). Also, they will use the projector for power point presentation to be a bit faster and colorful in training. The process will also entail the use of posters that show the picture instructions and rules in using an equipment or machine. This equipment will not cause any additional costs to the organization, since most of them are already available. For instance, the projector is available, since it has always been used in the seminars and conference. Questionnaires will be used as an assessment tool to test on the understanding of staff on the addressed topic. Technologies, such as computers will facilitate typing of notes and enable the staff to have them as handouts to read. The computer and projectors are some of the technologies used in presentation. The organization’s accountant will calculate the cost of implementing this policy, while taking into consideration the cost of educating the staff, buying the education materials, and paying the trainers.



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